Contact Us
If you need to contact Interac, the best way is by telephone.
For general inquires, such as how to apply as an ALT, please call the phone numbers below:
- 03-6853-8393 from within Japan
- +81-(0)3-6853-8395 from all other countries
(Monday to Friday 9AM-6PM Japan Standard Time)
If you cannot contact us by telephone or find the answer to your question on the FAQ page of our website, please email us. You can do this using the contact forms at the bottom of this page, selecting your inquiry from those listed below. You can find Interac’s office location details here.
If you are a current Interac teacher and need to contact your branch office, please reach out to the phone numbers below:
Interac North
Sapporo: 011-596-7680
Morioka: 019-622-7700
Sendai: 022-302-5277
Interac Kanto North
Chiba: 043-244-7555
Kita-Kanto: 029-302-5505
Koushinetsu: 03-6853-8325
Interac Kanto South
Yokohama: 045-242-7555
Tokyo: 03-6853-8320
Interac Kansai & South Central
Hamamatsu: 053-456-8171
Nagoya: 052-857-0140
Osaka: 06-6342-1850
Interac West
Kita-Kyushu: 093-513-7230
Hiroshima: 082-536-0505
Fukuoka: 092-739-3171