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Guide to the Cost of Living in Tokyo vs Osaka
Struggling to choose between Tokyo and Osaka? When it comes to relocating to Japan, Tokyo and Osaka are often the locations of choice as popular tourist destinations, with their stunning architecture and wide array of options for shopping and enjoying local foods.
From pollution levels to must-visit destinations and the cost of living, we know there are a lot of factors that may be weighing on your mind. We have compiled this guide to compare the prices of common living expenses in both cities to make your decision that much easier.
Cost of living per month in Osaka vs Tokyo
The average cost of living in Osaka is $1296, which is 10th most expensive out of 907 in Japan. In contrast, the average cost of living in Tokyo is higher, at $1778, which is 2nd out of 907 in Japan. It is also in the top 23% of the most expensive cities to live in in the world.
However, the average monthly salary after tax is higher to reflect this, covering living expenses for 1.6 months.
Cost of living | Tokyo | Osaka |
Total with rent for 1 person | $1778 | $1296 |
Total with rent for a family of 4 | $4689 | $3452 |
Without rent for 1 person | $935 | $797 |
Without rent for a family of 4 | $2838 | $2379 |
Rent & utilities for 1 person | $844 | $499 |
Rent & utilities for a family of 4 | $1851 | $1073 |
Food for 1 person | $504 | $420 |
Food for a family of 4 | $1851 | $1117 |
Transport for 1 person | $318 | $262 |
Transport for a family of 4 | $864 | $705 |
Monthly salary after tax | $2854 | $2337 |
Utilities & Accommodation
Renting a house or flat
When it comes to monthly rent and bills, this is almost double the price in Tokyo. However, you can make savings depending on the location and variety of accommodation you are looking for.
Living outside of the city center will improve your chances of finding a cost-effective place to live. Example price ranges you can expect depending on your living requirements include:
Housing type | Tokyo | Osaka |
1 bedroom apartment in the city center | $1052 | $588 |
Cheap 1 bedroom apartment | $610 | $399 |
3 bedroom apartment in the city center | $2582 | $1426 |
Cheap 3 bedroom apartment | $1415 | $794 |
Utilities for one person | $110 | $78.70 |
Utilities for a family | $168 | $121 |
Internet plan (50Mbps + 1 month unlimited) | $34.60 | $31.70 |
In the modern age, especially as an ALT, we know that you are going to be looking to set up internet in your new home as quickly as possible. That is why you will be glad to know that the price of an internet plan is roughly the same in both cities, with the price being slightly higher in Tokyo.
Buying a house or flat
When you are all settled into your new life and considering building a future in your chosen city, you may be looking to lay down roots and buy a house.
You can expect the following prices on average, depending on your requirements:
Item | Tokyo | Osaka |
Apartment in the city center (1 m2 or 10 ft 2) | $8885 | $8110 |
House in the suburbs (1 m2 or 10 ft 2) | $5220 | $4802 |
Mortgage interest rate for 20 years | 1.12% | 1.49% |
Overall, it is slightly more expensive to buy a property in Tokyo. However, the mortgage interest rate is higher in Osaka. If you are looking for a quiet home in the suburbs just outside of the hustle and bustle of the center, this will help you save some money in both cities.
Groceries & Dining out
When it comes to groceries, the price varies from item to item, however your monthly shop is cheaper in Osaka than Tokyo overall. The most notable difference can be seen in the price of fruit and vegetables, which is higher in Tokyo.
Item | Tokyo | Osaka |
Food for 1 person | $504 | $420 |
Food for a family of 4 | $1851 | $1117 |
Milk (1l or 1qt) | $1.49 | $1.46 |
Bread (0.5kg or 1.1lb) | $1.54 | $1.65 |
Rice (1kg or 2.2lb) | $3.40 | $2.72 |
12 eggs | $2 | $2.07 |
Cheese (1kg or 2.2lb) | $15.20 | $15.80 |
Chicken breast (1kg or 2.2lb) | $8.43 | $7.09 |
Steak (1kg or 2.2lb) | $24.10 | $23.40 |
Apples (1kg or 2.2lb) | $7.27 | $4.16 |
Bananas (1kg or 2.2lb) | $3.37 | $1.97 |
Oranges (1kg or 2.2lb) | $7.03 | $3.46 |
Tomato (1kg or 2.2lb) | $4.87 | $4.94 |
Potato (1kg or 2.2lb) | $4.66 | $3.01 |
Onion (1kg or 2.2lb) | $3.96 | $1.83 |
Water (1l or 1qt) | $0.67 | $0.62 |
Coca-cola/ pepsi (2l or 67.6 fl oz) | $1.82 | $1.56 |
Wine (mid-priced 750ml bottle) | $9.20 | $13.30 |
Beer (0.5l or 16 fl oz) | $4.58 | $2.37 |
Cigarette pack | $4.58 | $3.84 |
1 week of cold medicine | $16.40 | $12.70 |
Shampoo | $3.09 | $4.79 |
Toilet paper (4 rolls) | $1.56 | $2.07 |
Toothpaste | $2 | $1.68 |
Eating out
Expense | Tokyo | Osaka |
Item from a lunch menu for one person | $7.63 | $6.57 |
Dinner for 2 in a restaurant | $47.10 | $38.30 |
Fast food meal | $5.37 | $5.56 |
Capuccino | $3.56 | $3.70 |
Trying the wide range of food that Japan has to offer is highly recommended; the cost of a few treat meals here and there are largely similar across both cities.
For those days where you are on-the-go, you will find a cheaper lunch in Osaka; this also extends to evening meals. However, the price of fast food is slightly cheaper in Tokyo.
Commuting & Transport
Especially in big cities like Osaka and Tokyo, there is a huge focus on public transport to save time and fuel emissions.
If you are looking to regularly commute, this is cheaper in Tokyo as a whole, however this is balanced with the higher cost of living overall. In contrast, if you are planning to own a car instead, it is slightly cheaper to fill up your car when living in Osaka.
Transport expense | Tokyo | Osaka |
Local transport ticket | $1.53 | $1.80 |
Monthly transport ticket | $75.70 | $80.80 |
Taxi ride (8km or 5mi) | $29.10 | $27.70 |
Gas/ petrol (1l or 0.26 gal) | $1.27 | $1.18 |
Shopping, Education & Health
When it comes to healthcare, access to medical care is different from places like the US, from getting antidepressants and medications for chronic illnesses to regular doctor’s appointments.
Compared to Osaka, Tokyo is slightly more expensive in terms of education, health and fitness. However, Osaka is more expensive when it comes to getting your hair cut, or indulging in designer treats.
Expense | Tokyo | Osaka |
Gym membership (1 month) | $70.50 | $58.10 |
Cinema ticket (1 person) | $13.80 | $13.50 |
Doctor’s visit | $32.10 | $31.90 |
Simple haircut | $20.10 | $23.40 |
Brand jeans | $47 | $53.80 |
Brand sneakers | $67.10 | $69.80 |
Daycare or preschool (1 month) | $489 | $429/ month |
International primary school (1 year) | $16527 | $9787 |
Overall, it is more expensive to live in Tokyo as a whole compared to Osaka. However, there are higher salaries and price differences in place in other areas to balance this out.
Are you looking to take the next step and move to Japan? Get in touch with us to learn how to start your journey as an ALT today. You can learn more about Japanese culture and social customs on our blog.
About the Author

Brian McDonough is a consultant at Interac, Japan’s largest provider of ALTs (Assistant Language Teachers). Originally from the US, Brian has lived in Japan for over 25 years, giving him a unique perspective on the cultural differences and challenges people face when moving to Japan. He has first-hand experience of working in Japan as an American.